Linked Data Task Force
Europeana Tech | 1 November 2022 TO 30 September 2023
This Task Force aims to show aggregators the value of interlinking heterogeneous data from various sources, and guide them and their network with guidelines to implement Linked Data.
The main purpose of this Task Force is to show the value for aggregators of interlinking heterogeneous data from various sources and guide them and their network of cultural heritage institutions with recommendations and guidelines to implement Linked Data. It will provide use cases for Linked Data by exploring the use of RDF for semantically enhanced data and APIs as an interoperability platform for these data. A proof of concept will be developed to demonstrate the technical implementability of the solution.
The Task Force will bring together and organise all relevant documentation (guidelines and best practices) for fostering and implementing Linked Data towards aggregators. In the context of the common European data space for cultural heritage, semantic interoperability will be key. This supposes that metadata might be expressed in semantic standards that are not only EDM. We will experiment with the development of the proof of concept of how one can browse data expressed in different models within one same interface and how various sets of mappings towards EDM can be handled within one interface. The proof of concept will allow the user to query the metadata in their source semantic model or EDM via a SPARQL endpoint. The TF will use the results of previous initiatives in the area of Linked Data.